High Achiever Curse #1: You’re so good at what you do that people keep asking for more
As a high achiever, you’ve likely accomplished amazing things. You’re highly skilled and driven to improve continually. Chances are that other people around you (like your boss) have noticed.
This makes you the go-to person to:
- train or onboard new employees to your project(s)
- take on new responsibilities when there’s no additional budget to hire someone else
- get asked for help when someone is stuck or overwhelmed
- fill gaps that other people didn’t notice yet
This is great because it shows who you are and what you’re capable of, sometimes surprising even yourself. But it can also sabotage you and your health can suffer like it did for Shazia.
Curse #1: You’re so good at what you do that people keep asking for more
As a high achiever, I’m going to bet that you’ve been able to accomplish some pretty amazing things and are highly skilled at what you do and are very driven to keep on improving and expanding that skillset. Chances are that other people around you (like your boss) have noticed.
This makes you the go-to person to:
- train or onboard new employees to your project(s)
- take on new responsibilities when there’s no additional budget to hire someone else
- get asked for help when someone is stuck or overwhelmed
- fill gaps that other people didn’t notice yet
This is all great in some ways because it shows who you are and what you’re capable of (sometimes surprising even yourself). But it can also sabotage you and your health can suffer, like it did for Shazia.
Shazia’s Story: From Overwhelmed to Empowered
When I met Shazia, she had been working at a very busy healthcare organization for 15 years. Each year she received a glowing performance evaluation and was recognized for the efficiency and quality of her work. Over time, Shazia’s responsibilities grew. She became the project manager for three keystone projects and managed a team. Anytime someone was stuck or needed support, Shazia was there. Anytime a friend needed help – Shazia was there.
Shazia was managing okay, but then she started to notice the toll it was taking on her health. She wasn’t sleeping well and noticed her patience was almost non-existent. She became short and irritable, unlike before. Everything came crashing down around Shazia after an annual routine check-up with her doctor determined she had thyroid cancer. After her surgery and treatment, Shazia knew she couldn’t return to her old ways. She wanted to make a change.
Shazia’s Story: From Overwhelmed to Empowered
Less than a week after using the Productivity Partner Three Tier Planning System and blocking out her Ideal Week, Shazia sent this:
“I feel like a new me! Even though I’m still managing several projects and the same amount of people, I’m feeling more in control of my day and I’m actually getting my own tasks done at work!!!! I’m sticking to my healthy habits (whoop whoop) and my boss has said he’s noticed a positive change in me and how I’m showing up at work. Everyone is responding really well to the new boundaries that I’ve set. I can’t wait to see what comes next!”
Small shifts in Shazia’s workflow and daily habits helped her model an anti-burnout culture at work. She felt in control of her health, stuck to her habits, and consistently completed her work. This allowed her to shut down mentally at the end of the day and enjoy her life.
Shutting down our high-achieving brain can be really tricky if our to-do lists are too long and never ending, though, which leads us into our next struggle.