Everything you and your non-profit need to recover from burnout
The Creating Calm App
Are your staff under a lot of pressure with restricted funding and big expectations for the difference they want to make in the community?
The Creating Calm app offers mental health, physical well-being and self-care support, in small, attainable forms like accessible 15 minute yoga classes and 60 second guided meditations.
We offer:
- bulk subscriber discounts,
- licensing for corporations to add the app to their employee benefits package,
- as well as affiliate opportunities if your non-profit is looking for a new income stream.
Interested in learning more?
Book a time to chat with Avery or explore the app yourself by requesting a free trial.

Work with me one-on-one
Unlike other coaches that meet with you once a week and say “what have you been up to?”, in my Burnout Recovery and Prevention program we follow a set, adaptable curriculum.
This program was designed to help you learn how to effectively address your habits and stressors that have led to burnout in the first place as well as build in new habits, thought patterns, and a balanced mindset to go after anything you want in your life.
Together we will have you redefine who you are, how you see yourself, how you determine your worth, and most of all – enjoy the process as you become your best self.
What to expect:
a private, virtual session with Avery every other week (to give you time to implement the strategies between sessions
Access to the Creating Calm App to supplement our sessions
Unlimited text and voice note support via a free app called Voxer
Task assignments, videos and worksheets between sessions
- Develop your own Red Flag Warning System planning to prevent setbacks from keeping you stuck
We even have a letter you can give to your employer to help you get them to pay for your program.
Keynotes & Workshops
Looking for an action-oriented speaker who will make a real and lasting difference to your organization?
Tired of unhelpful, regurgitated education and motivation with no substance and no follow through?
Avery delivers the proven strategies and transformative life changing ideas that can only come from real-world, hands-on experience.